Vision, Values & Aims
Through nurturing and supporting children’s individual needs we will work together to encourage enthusiasm and motivation for learning
Fullwood Nursery is working towards a green flag award Eco School.
Eco-Schools is an international initiative designed to encourage whole-school action for the environment. It is an environmental management tool, learning resource and recognised award scheme. By participating in the eco schools programme we are encouraging our children to be involved in key issues such as global citizenship, environmental awareness, sustainability and a low carbon future. It encourages us all to be wholly involved in reducing the carbon footprint of our school, home and community.
We are committed to improving environmental awareness within our service. As part of our Eco agenda we are working to develop our childrens knowledge on the following eco related topics:
Fullwood nursery promotes recycling on a daily basis through a variety of Eco related topics such as Rag Bag, Compost bins and voucher schemes. The nursery also recycles books in the nursery where parents can bring in books which they have read and swap them for another. Also in January 2012 Fullwood will be participating in several new programmes such as litter picking and we will be recycling other items such as mobile phones and batteries.
Rag bag
Fullwood Nursery is participating in the Rag Bag scheme where staff and parents are working hard to collect all unwanted goods which are then collected by a Rag Bag representative. The nursery collects lots of unwanted goods such as clothes, material, shoes, bedding, books and soft toys these are then weighed and the nursery receives a cheque with all moneys going to new nursery resources. The Rag Bag representative also awards the nursery with a certificate of their achievement which is displayed on the parent’s notice board for all parents to see.
Compost bins
In 2010 Fullwood nursery staff and parents participated in the Tesco vouchers for school programme. The nursery used the vouchers collected to purchase several compost bins for the nursery areas. Each area collects their fruit and vegetable peelings on a daily basis and these are deposited into the compost bins.
Morrisons gardening vouchers
Each year the nursery takes part in the Morrisons gardening vouchers where the vouchers can be exchanged for gardening equipment. This year the nursery collected a new record of 3664 vouchers. These vouchers were used to buy seeds, gardening tools and green houses which will be used to aid the children in the further development of our outside area.
We recycle as much materials as possible and all our service users are involved in helping us to maintain an excellent environmental friendly approach.